Why Does The SSA Deny Disability Claims?
SSA bureaucrats deny disability applications for technical and substantive reasons.
The initial Social Security Administration Disability Determination Services denial rate is a stunning 67%. Some of the major stated reasons for denials are outlined below. The underlying reason is quite simple. The SSA, like all other government agencies, has limited funds, and the number of applicants far outweighs the amount of money in the budget.
In many ways, the high initial SSA disability denial rate weeds out applicants who are not fully committed to the process. A partnership with a Tampa Social Security Disability lawyer, in and of itself, demonstrates that commitment. DDS examiners know that attorneys don’t give up. So, rather than rubber-stamping a denial on a claim, they’re more willing to consider its full merits.
Failure to Cooperate
This denial reason may be the one we see most. Failure to cooperate usually means a failure to attend a doctor’s or other appointment, failure to comply with document requests, or failure to be forthcoming with the DDS examiner.
SSA doctors’ appointments are often very difficult for disabled people to keep. Bureaucrats often schedule these appointments without considering the applicant’s needs (e.g., people who do not sleep well often cannot keep early morning appointments). Other people have memory or mobility issues.
Similar problems often affect responses to document requests, and fear causes many applicants to be less than forthcoming with DDS examiners.
A New Port Richey Social Security Disability lawyer advocates for applicants in these situations, so the DDS examiner often gives them a second chance or even a third chance.
Work Issues
This basis for denial is very objective. Applicants must have sufficient work credits to qualify for disability, and they must not have more than a certain amount of employment income.
Attorneys have some leeway in these situations. For example, not all employment income constitutes SGA (substantial gainful activity) income. But for the most part, an attorney must carefully screen applications and be honest with applicants about their standing.
Medical Issues
Some medical issues overlap with the failure to produce documents problem mentioned above. Other medical issues arise because the applicant doesn’t follow a prescribed treatment plan.
Attorneys usually have no problem cutting privacy law red tape and obtaining all medical records from all sources. But for people without lawyers, this process is laborious, to say the least. Additionally, some people don’t take their medicine because it triggers an adverse reaction or for some other legitimate purpose.
Failure to Meet Disability Criteria
The applicant must have a recognized condition that significantly interferes with work functions and is not expected to improve for at least one year.
Frequently, problems arise in this area because applicants don’t see specialists. For example, Dr. X may be very well qualified to assess joint problems, but she may lack experience with PTSD or other non-physical disabilities. The SSA’s liberal use of contract physicians exacerbates this problem.
To overcome such issues, attorneys often connect disability applicants with independent doctors who are fully qualified to assess certain conditions.
Connect With a Savvy Pasco County Lawyer
Victims need and deserve compensation for their serious injuries. For a confidential consultation with an experienced disability lawyer in New Port Richey, contact the Rooth Law Firm. We routinely handle matters throughout the Sunshine State.